Su Maberly

Su Maberly, Program Manager at CWF, has a great love for wildlife and wild places. Born in Malawi, Su moved with her family to Zimbabwe as a young child and has spent most of her life here. She holds a degree in Statistics and has worked as a teacher, a data analyst, a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist and in various management roles.
She has worked on projects with rural communities in land rehabilitation and agricultural development and was a partner in an organisation working on reforestation and anti-poaching in a former Campfire area.
Nigel Kühn

Born in Zimbabwe, Nigel served in the British military, holds a master’s degree in Crisis, Risk and Disaster Management, has a FGASA guides licence and is a highly qualified medic. He has worked in the conservation security field on and off since 2006 and was part of the Chengeta Wildlife team which has trained elite anti-poaching units across Africa.
Nigel believes that to be successful in anti-poaching an organisation must ensure it has a strong ranger welfare program, which includes equipping the rangers with the kit they need to do the job and training them to the highest standard. This must be backed up with effective policies and procedures at the highest levels of management to ensure the rangers are supported on the front line. Communities surrounding the protected area should be treated as conservation partners if long-term goals are to be realised.

Most of our scouts come from nearby communities, have grown up in the Hwange area and are committed to working hard to protect their heritage for future generations.
Being an anti-poaching scout is extremely physically demanding - the men walk many kilometres each day, often in harsh weather conditions and through dense bush on thick, sandy soils with heavy packs on their backs.
We work closely with Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority and Zimbabwe Forestry Commission who provide us with vital assistance in our work protecting local flora & fauna.